Growing Dahlias


Dahlias prefer space. Ideally 24”-36” between plants, however you can push them closer at 12” apart depending on your growing conditions. The closer the dahlia, the more you will need to tend to crowded plants and airflow. Dahlias need a sunny space to grow.


Dig a hole 4” in the ground big enough for your tuber to lay horizontally. Amend planting hole with fertilizer*. Our soil is very high in potassium and phosphorus. All we add the the planting hole is a small amount of alfalfa or bone meal. Cover your dahlia and wait. There is no need for watering at this time, especially in the PNW.

*Before planting I recommend getting a soil test to accurately identify the your unique growing conditions and how to best support your dahlias.


Dahlias have a tendency to be top heavy and fall over. If your garden is effected by wind you may consider staking your plant. Stake at the time of planting so you do not harm your tuber later in the season. You can stake each individual plant or corral a row of them together with corner posts and twine.


Begin watering your plant when you have several inches of growth above the soil surface. We regularly give our dahlias a deep soak about every four days throughout the growing season.